
Monthly Gifts to Parkinson Society British Columbia

Regular donations can be made with affordable monthly payments. Monthly donors receive one tax receipt annually.

When you set up monthly giving, you ensure that we can fund innovative Parkinson's research and continue to provide immediate support for those in need, education for healthcare professionals, seminars for family members, a network of support groups across the province, presentations by medical experts and hope for the future.

Should you wish to arrange for your monthly gift to be made via electronic funds transfer, please contact Susan Atkinson, Donor & Member Services Coordinator, or 604-662-3240 Ext. 263 | 1-800-668-3330.

Gifts totalling $500 or more for the year may be eligible for recognition in the society's Annual Report.

Parkinson Society British Columbia | 600-890 West Pender Street, Vancouver, BC Canada V6C 1J9
Charitable Registration Number: 11880 1240 RR0001