PD Connect® is a program providing healthcare professionals with the tools to refer people with Parkinson's and their families to support services available through Parkinson Society British Columbia. This referral can be made at the point of diagnosis, or at any time during the disease's progression.
The intent of this program is to educate and support patients and families so they are better positioned for self-management and advocacy. It may also assist to bridge gaps in the healthcare system. At Parkinson Society British Columbia, we believe these programs and services are what the community needs, wants and deserves.
If you are a healthcare professional, we encourage you to review the information provided below. Should you have any questions about this program, please do not hesitate to contact us.
The referral process for PD Connect® is simple:
- Ask the individual with Parkinson's or their family member for permission to forward their basic contact information through PD Connect® to Parkinson Society British Columbia
- Complete a referral form and fax to Parkinson Society British Columbia at 604-608-3311 or email to info@parkinson.bc.ca
Resources for Healthcare Professionals:
- PD Connect® - Detailed Information Sheet [download]
- PD Connect® - Summary Sheet [download]
- PD Connect® - Referral Form [download]
- PD Connect® - Referral Form (Fillable PDF) [download]
PD Connect® is an initiative developed by Parkinson Society British Columbia.