
Parkinson's Perspectives: Real-Life Stories from Individuals and Carepartners

Dates: Monday, April 29
Time: 2:00pm - 3:00pm PT
Fee: Free

Celebrate April Awareness Month with our inspiring online panel event! Join us as three individuals living with Parkinson’s disease share their compelling stories. From navigating new diagnoses to managing Young-Onset Parkinson’s and the vital role of carepartners, our speakers—Shane Duggan (New Diagnosis), Bob de Wit (Young Onset Parkinson's disease), and Catherine Huston (Carepartner)—will offer invaluable insights. Clinical social worker and counselor Corrina Masson will lead the discussion, followed by a Q&A session.

By sharing our experiences and listening to others on similar paths, we find strength and healing. These shared stories foster awareness, forge strong connections, and provide vital community support. They remind us that we're not alone and inspire hope for a fulfilling life despite the challenges. Tune in to connect, gain strength, and discover the power of shared experiences on the Parkinson’s journey.

Hearthands Parkinson Society BC appreciates all gifts, as they allow us to continue to offer programs people with Parkinson's disease and their carepartners rely on. If you wish, you can make a donation by entering an amount in the Additional Donation field.
IMPORTANT: After registering through this form, please make sure to click the Zoom link that appears on the confirmation screen and input your name and email address. This will ensure you are fully registered for the event and get the access link.

Please note: These sessions are designed to provide general education and are not intended for individual advice and/or clinical care. Please note that any Q&A sessions that take place will not be recorded.